3. 12. 2018

PASSERINVEST GROUP invested CZK 170 million into projects to benefit the community this year – sports, a square and education

CZK 170 million, without any subsidies and contributions from the state: that is the amount that PASSERINVEST GROUP used this year to develop the public space in Prague 4. It was used to build, for example, a square with a water feature by the Brumlovka building, a public athletic stadium and a pavilion for the elementary and high schools, plus the public lighting was repaired and the walkway under the freeway was improved with the mosaic by Jan Lukeš.

Over the last two decades, the unkempt Brumlovka brownfield in Prague 4 has been transformed into the multifunctional BB Centrum complex, which provides job opportunities, housing, services and cultural, sporting and social opportunities. PASSERINVEST GROUP has not only built buildings with the required parterre here, but its socially-inclusive responsible strategies for investing funds into non-profit projects serving the public, without any subsidies or contributions from the state, are an example for other similar projects.

The new central Brumlovka Square in BB Centrum in Prague 4 has an area of 4500 m2 and features mature sycamore trees, two water fountains on the walking area and street furniture. The expenses for the construction of the new square exceeded CZK 65 million.

“For 63 million crowns we built a school pavilion with a garden for the Christian Elijáš preschool and elementary and high schools. It offers the students spaces for extracurricular activities and a new dining room. The pavilion is also connected with the new public athletic stadium, thanks to which the Elijáš elementary school could expand to include a lyceum,” explained Radim Passer, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PASSERINVEST GROUP. The original spaces for the after-school clubs and dining room were converted into new classrooms.

The construction and opening of the aforementioned athletic field is absolutely unique. It was created on the site of a neglected asphalt-covered area with wild-growing plants. The athletic stadium offers a 150 m oval track, a 100 m straight track, sectors for long jump and high jump, a space for badminton, floorball and workout exercises for all generations. Not only does the local school use the stadium, but it is open to the public all year round for a symbolic yearly fee. The total amount used was CZK 18 million.

Within the BB Centrum complex, PASSERINVEST GROUP places an emphasis on the safety of the people who live and work here. That is why funds were also used for the reconstruction of the walkway under the freeway (upon the approval of the administrator of Prague’s Technical Road Administration). The reconstruction concerned new lighting, paint and, primarily, a new mosaic was created here by Jan Lukeš, transforming the originally dark and dangerous walkway into an interesting pedestrian path in Prague 4.

Some of the contributions from PASSERINVEST GROUP were used to create a traffic light-controlled pedestrian crossing, which made it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross Vyskočilova Street. Together with this the sidewalk was also widened, as was the bus island where city buses and complex shuttle buses stop.

Other investments headed to the modifications of the parterre (the sidewalk and smaller square) in front of the iconic FILADELFIE Building. This resulted in a place to relax, with new trees and a new mosaic in the sidewalk.

PASSERINVEST GROUP also manages the aforementioned projects, thanks to which it can organise various cultural/social events for the public or selected charity projects for the non-profit organisation Maranatha, which Radim Passer founded.

You can get more information and photographs in print quality from:
Kristýna Samková, Head of PR and Marketing dept.
Tel.: (+420) 221 582 111
E-mail: Kristyna.Samkova@passerinvest.cz

Marcela Štefcová
Crest Communications a.s.
Mobile: (+420) 731 613 669
E-mail: marcela.stefcova@crestcom.cz

About the company

PASSERINVEST GROUP, a. s., is a purely Czech development and investment company, whose name is primarily connected with the realisation of the multifunctional BB Centrum complex in Prague 4 – Michle. The company, established by Radim Passer in 1991, built a very good reputation both on a local and international level with this, the most successful and extensive project of its kind in Central Europe. This is not only to the credit of the quality of the realised projects and the high level of the provided services, but also due to the sense of fair play, an accommodating relationship to the buildings’ tenants/users and responsibility to the society and the environment. PASSERINVEST GROUP also has other interesting development projects in its portfolio.

For more information and photos in print quality, please contact us.

Kristýna Samková

Head of PR and Marketing department

Kamila Žitňáková

Crest Communications a.s.


Passerinvest Group (hereinafter Passerinvest) is a purely Czech builder and investor. The company was founded by Radim Passer back in 1991 and has since then acquired a lot of experience in the construction of office and commercial buildings, residential buildings and civic amenities.
Since 1998, Passerinvest, as a responsible urban developer, has primarily been connected with Brumlovka (BB Centrum) in Prague 4, which is one of the most successful and extensive urban projects not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout all of Europe. Another important project in the company’s portfolio is Nové Roztyly, a brownfield of the former slaughterhouses of the Interlov complex where, in the future, a place with pleasant housing with a large park should arise, complemented by services for the general public and an office function. The principles of urban construction and the long-term sustainable development of Prague and the Czech Republic are part of Passerinvest Group’s vision. Thanks to its responsible approach, Passerinvest has built a very good reputation both on a domestic and on an international level. This is not only to the credit of the quality of the realised projects and the high level of the provided services, but also to the sense of fair play, a customer approach and also its responsibility to the society and the environment.