23. 10. 2018
Elijáš Christian School in BB Centrum newly opens Lyceum
The Elijáš Christian high school, elementary school and preschool located in the multifunctional BB Centrum complex in Prague 4 has expanded its offer of education with a third level in this school year. In September the gates of the school opened for the first time for high school students, who have the opportunity to study at the Lyceum here, oriented on humanities and natural sciences and to complete it after four years with a school-leaving exam.
The Elijáš Christian School has already been operating in BB Centrum for ten years, and on the occasion of this anniversary it decided to expand the portfolio of educational opportunities to offer high school education. The combined lyceum, as a four-year field of study with matriculation, provides students with a complete general education, which includes the teaching of languages, mathematics, natural and social sciences and financial literacy. In the third year of studies the students can choose from a focus on humanities or natural sciences, thanks to which their education will expand to include subjects to deepen their aesthetic, ecological and moral sentiments. One new first year class for a maximum of twenty students will be opening each year.
The school has modern equipment necessary for a quality education, comfortable classrooms and its own gymnasium. At the beginning of September a new school pavilion was opened in its immediate vicinity, providing a school cafeteria cooking exclusively vegetarian meals and several club rooms. The majority of the pavilion’s rooms are multifunctional and can be used as after-school facilities for younger students as well as clubrooms or places for informal gatherings of students and teachers. The pavilion garden is adjacent to an athletic stadium meant for outdoor sporting activities and for the general public.
You can get more information and photographs in print quality from:
Kristýna Samková, Head of PR and Marketing Department
Tel.: (+420) 221 582 111
E-mail: Kristyna.Samkova@passerinvest.cz
www.passerinvest.cz, www.bbcentrum.cz
Marcela Štefcová
Crest Communications a.s.
Mobil: (+420) 731 613 669
E-mail: marcela.stefcova@crestcom.cz
About the developer
PASSERINVEST GROUP, a. s., is a purely Czech development and investment company, whose name is primarily connected with the realisation of the multifunctional BB Centrum complex in Prague 4 – Michle. The company, established by Radim Passer in 1991, built a very good reputation both on a local and international level with this, the most successful and extensive project of its kind in Central Europe. This is not only to the credit of the quality of the realised projects and the high level of the provided services, but also due to the sense of fair play, an accommodating relationship to the buildings’ tenants/users and responsibility to the society and the environment. PASSERINVEST GROUP also has other interesting development projects in its portfolio.
For more information and photos in print quality, please contact us.
Kristýna Samková
Head of PR and Marketing department
Kamila Žitňáková
Crest Communications a.s.
Passerinvest Group (hereinafter Passerinvest) is a purely Czech builder and investor. The company was founded by Radim Passer back in 1991 and has since then acquired a lot of experience in the construction of office and commercial buildings, residential buildings and civic amenities.
Since 1998, Passerinvest, as a responsible urban developer, has primarily been connected with Brumlovka (BB Centrum) in Prague 4, which is one of the most successful and extensive urban projects not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout all of Europe. Another important project in the company’s portfolio is Nové Roztyly, a brownfield of the former slaughterhouses of the Interlov complex where, in the future, a place with pleasant housing with a large park should arise, complemented by services for the general public and an office function. The principles of urban construction and the long-term sustainable development of Prague and the Czech Republic are part of Passerinvest Group’s vision. Thanks to its responsible approach, Passerinvest has built a very good reputation both on a domestic and on an international level. This is not only to the credit of the quality of the realised projects and the high level of the provided services, but also to the sense of fair play, a customer approach and also its responsibility to the society and the environment.