25. 5. 2015
Hewlett-Packard Premises in DELTA I Pass Final Inspection
DELTA I, the first section of what is thus far the largest office building of the multi-functional BB Centrum in Prague 4, has successfully passed its final inspection. Two of the world’s largest supranational IT companies – Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft – have chosen this impressive building, built by the leading Czech development and investment company, the PASSERINVEST GROUP, to be the site of their registered offices. At this time, thanks to the successful inspection of the DELTA I building, it is possible for Hewlett-Packard to start moving in. The company’s relocation will take place in several stages, with the first scheduled for this June.
“The inspection of the DELTA building was completed according to the schedule, thus making it possible for Hewlett-Packard to start moving into DELTA I in June. The final inspection of the second section of the complex – DELTA II – is scheduled for this September. This is the same timeframe during which HP will carry out the second stage of its relocation. Then, in October, another important tenant – Microsoft – will be moving into the DELTA complex,” explains Ing. Štěpán Smrčka, the PASSERINVEST GROUP’s Sales Manager for the DELTA project.
The DELTA building offers a total of 40,000 square metres of rentable space distributed over eight storeys. The supranational IT company Hewlett-Packard, which is already a long-time tenant of the BB Centrum, has signed a rental agreement for a large portion of the available space – 17,000 square metres to be exact. This IT giant is not only expanding its offices; it will use 1,300 square metres for its training and customer centre.
In addition to office space, DELTA, which is the seventeenth building of the multi-functional BB Centrum complex, offers 800 square metres of commercial space on the ground floor. There are also almost 800 parking spaces available in the five-level underground car park. The building stands in a location bordered by Vyskočilova and Václav Sedláček streets, close to the new Brumlovka Park. As in the case of the other BB Centrum buildings, the way in which DELTA is designed places emphasis on the environmental aspects and the building is undergoing certification according to the BREEAM process with the aim of receiving a rating of “Very Good”. The AULÍK FIŠER ARCHITECTURAL STUDIO planned DELTA as two interconnected buildings forming an H-shaped layout. The way the four main “ribs” of the building are structured makes it possible to connect both buildings by means of a footbridge on each of the individual floors. Hewlett-Packard took advantage of this design and, by connecting the floors located in the DELTA I and DELTA II sections, created a unique office space of 4,700 square metres located on one floor. In order to ensure the maximum comfort of its users, the building is equipped with cooling beams and fan-coil units, whilst, at the same time, it has openable windows, with exterior Venetian blinds installed on the eastern, western, and southern sides. The spatial layout in the DELTA building is very compact and the distance from the high-capacity lifts to all areas is short. In addition, there is a sufficient supply of natural light in all of the offices.
For more information and print quality photos, please contact:
Mgr. Vendula Malochová, Marketing Manager
Tel.: (+420) 221 582 111, fax: (+420) 222 515 521
Mobile: (+420) 605 318 974
E-mail: Vendula.Malochova@passerinvest.cz
www.passerinvest.cz, www.bbcentrum.cz
Ing. Marcela Štefcová
Crest Communications a.s.
Tel.: (+420) 222 927 125
Mobile: (+420) 731 613 669
E-mail: marcela.stefcova@crestcom.cz
For more information and photos in print quality, please contact us.
Kristýna Samková
Head of PR and Marketing department
Kamila Žitňáková
Crest Communications a.s.
Passerinvest Group (hereinafter Passerinvest) is a purely Czech builder and investor. The company was founded by Radim Passer back in 1991 and has since then acquired a lot of experience in the construction of office and commercial buildings, residential buildings and civic amenities.
Since 1998, Passerinvest, as a responsible urban developer, has primarily been connected with Brumlovka (BB Centrum) in Prague 4, which is one of the most successful and extensive urban projects not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout all of Europe. Another important project in the company’s portfolio is Nové Roztyly, a brownfield of the former slaughterhouses of the Interlov complex where, in the future, a place with pleasant housing with a large park should arise, complemented by services for the general public and an office function. The principles of urban construction and the long-term sustainable development of Prague and the Czech Republic are part of Passerinvest Group’s vision. Thanks to its responsible approach, Passerinvest has built a very good reputation both on a domestic and on an international level. This is not only to the credit of the quality of the realised projects and the high level of the provided services, but also to the sense of fair play, a customer approach and also its responsibility to the society and the environment.