22. 9. 2017

Maranatha has operated in 50 countries of the world in its 15 years of existence

The non-profit organisation Maranatha z.s. is currently celebrating 15 years from its establishment. Since 2002, this Christian-oriented organisation founded by Radim Passer has already reached more than 500,000 people. It has organised or supported hundreds of projects and activities from the area of CSR, training and education in more than 50 countries on almost all the continents of the world.

The diverse focus of the organisation is best summed up by its activities, including seminars, lectures, bible studies, summer evangelical youth gatherings, scientific exhibits on the origin of the world, children’s days, publication activities, etc. Marantha’s most important or largest projects include:

  • The global Youth for Jesus project – since 2009 young people in the Czech and Slovak republics have been serving people and sharing their faith in a particular place during their free time or on holiday. So far 20 towns, 26 congregations and more than 660 young people have taken part;
  • A cycle of lectures presenting biblical perspectives on key vital themes, organised primarily for participants from the business environment and the public;
  • The establishment of a Christian elementary school and preschool in 2008, and the currently prepared expansion to include a high school – lyceum. Today 206 students attend the elementary school, 40 children the preschool, expenses exceeded CZK 175 million;
  • The Genesis Era project, the goal of which is to present scientific knowledge concerning our origin to the general public;
  • A social fund that helps people in difficult life situations;
  • The support of more than 1500 children in Bangladesh as part of the Banglakids project;
  • Partner of National Marriage Week and the Day for Family; 
  • Inclusion in ASI, a worldwide lay movement of businessmen and tradesmen inside the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which supports evangelisation and mission projects the world over;
  • Participation in the global One-Day Church and One-Day School projects – the construction of chapels and schools.


The promotion and support of a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of the activities of the Maranatha organisation. Since 2004 the organisation has been running a health food shop and, since 2008, a vegetarian restaurant in Prague’s BB Centrum complex. Each year the restaurant serves more than 100 000 clients and the shop 100 000 customers. The organisation also regularly supports Health Days. Last, but not least, the company is also involved in publishing activities. More than 400 000 titles have been distributed and one of the most widely-distributed titles is Animované biblické příběhy (Animated Bible Stories), which has sold more than 100 000 units in DVD format in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Marantha’s current projects include the presentation of the educational web portal genesisera.cz, which seeks answers to questions regarding the creation of the universe, nature and man and regarding their ancient history. Was the world perfect in the beginning or, on the contrary, was it dark and chaotic and are science and religion in dispute, or rather in underlying unity. This project is also closely connected to the preparation of a DVD titled Achillovy paty evoluce (Evolution’s Achilles’ Heel), where 15 university professors uncover, in a remarkable manner, the heart of the conflict between the two fundamental views of the world – the perspective of creation and the perspective of evolution. In recent years a growing number of scientists are focusing on the theory of evolution and subjecting it to a thorough analysis. The planned publication, accompanied by a feature-length documentary film entitled Achillovy paty evoluce (Evolution’s Achilles’ Heel) looks at what they found.



For more information and photographs in print quality please contact:


Juraj Turóci

Maranatha z.s.

Telefon: +420 224 210 571

E-mail: juraj.turoci@maranatha.cz


Marcela Štefcová

Crest Communications a.s.

Mobil: (+420) 731 613 669

E-mail: marcela.stefcova@crestcom.cz

For more information and photos in print quality, please contact us.

Kristýna Samková

Head of PR and Marketing department

Kamila Žitňáková

Crest Communications a.s.


Passerinvest Group (hereinafter Passerinvest) is a purely Czech builder and investor. The company was founded by Radim Passer back in 1991 and has since then acquired a lot of experience in the construction of office and commercial buildings, residential buildings and civic amenities.
Since 1998, Passerinvest, as a responsible urban developer, has primarily been connected with Brumlovka (BB Centrum) in Prague 4, which is one of the most successful and extensive urban projects not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout all of Europe. Another important project in the company’s portfolio is Nové Roztyly, a brownfield of the former slaughterhouses of the Interlov complex where, in the future, a place with pleasant housing with a large park should arise, complemented by services for the general public and an office function. The principles of urban construction and the long-term sustainable development of Prague and the Czech Republic are part of Passerinvest Group’s vision. Thanks to its responsible approach, Passerinvest has built a very good reputation both on a domestic and on an international level. This is not only to the credit of the quality of the realised projects and the high level of the provided services, but also to the sense of fair play, a customer approach and also its responsibility to the society and the environment.